De 06 a 19 de agosto 2017



Brasilia: Flying Area, Launch Sites e Weather

Brasília has the perfect task flying area, it is located over a plateau at 1,000mts ASL, with flatlands and landing areas almost everywhere. There are paved roads around most of the waypoints, which also have flat and clear landing areas.

Even if we have some alternative goals, the main one is going to be the “Esplanada dos Ministérios”, because it is close to the Headquarters, within minutes from the hotels and it provides an excellent opportunity for media exposure.

Launch Sites

The launch site is a little over a one-hour drive from Brasilia, exactly 92km, with 85km of asphalt and only 7km on a flat dirt road. All the roads in Brasilia are suitable for private or rental cars; most of the roads are paved and, those that are not, are in good enough condition so that any small or economy car can easily drive on it.

The launch site works with NE/E/SE winds, it is located on a high plateau so there are no mountains to drive up to; all types of cars have easy access to the launch area with plenty of space for parking.

The local regulations will set the takeoff limit for 40 km/h of constant wind and 52 km/h of gusts, measured on the ramp at man’s height.


August is the driest month of the year, averaging lows around 15% humidity and temperature ranging from 30°C during the day down to 16°C on chilly nights. Cloudbase normally lies between 2,500mts and 3,500mts ASL.

The best time of day to open the launch window is around noon, with good thermals to help pilots stay in the air. The thermals start weakening around 5:00pm, allowing a window of 4 to 5 hours for the tasks to be flown.

Airspace and Other Restrictions

A Notam will be issued for this event, assuring a safe airspace to all pilots involved.

Due to the heavy air traffic around the international airport of Brasília, a flying area with altitude limitations will be established and there will be an entrance corridor to the city, to be used on tasks with goal at the Esplanade. All pilots on the competition must strictly abide to it.

The entrance corridor to Brasilia is already twice as large as the one used on the 2016 test event.
Altitude limitations on the task area are under negotiations with the aeronautical authorities to possibly be released to higher limits.
Precise information will be explained during Mandatory Safety Briefing, and informed every day on the task board.


Competition Headquarters:

The competition HQ will be assembled on the appendant building of the National Museum, just south of the landing area on the Esplanade, at the address: Setor Cultural Sul – Brasília, DF, 70297-400.
It will be open to attend pilots and teams from august 5th onwards.


Official Hotel:

The competition Official Hotel will be the Golden Tulip Brasília Alvorada, where the Technical Staff will be staying. Suite Double R$ 240,00 + 10% + 5% ISS.
+55 61 2106-6306
+55 61 99144-3068 (Whatsapp)
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Local Regulation

Local regulations Change 1

Local regulations Change 2

Local regulations Change 3

Local regulations Change 4

Used in conjunction with the most recent versions of:
• General Section of the FAI Sporting Code.
• Common Section 7 of the FAI Sporting Code.
• Section 7A of the FAI Sporting Code.
• CIVL GAP – Centralised cross-country competition scoring for hang gliding and paragliding.


Airspace, Restrictions and Waypoints

For the competition days, the Organization got the authorization of a safe area for the tasks, under an issued NOTAM, with significantly improved vertical limits, compared to the ones authorized last year.

2017 vertical limits are: Asa3 (green) FL120  3.658m, Asa2 (pink) FL110  3.353m, Asa1 (blue) FL105  3.200m.

See map:

Obs.: On the training period, before the competition days,  HG flights are not allowed on Asa1,  and also no landings on the Esplanade.

The airspace file and the waypoints file are available for download at this link:


Declaration for temporary importation of your hang glider

It is important to fill the declaration for the temporary importation of the gliders into the country, which could be done following the stepby step instructions on this link:

When you select “Transmit”, after all the information is complete and you are ready to submit the declaration, you will get a screen saying  that your declaration was submitted successfully,  a “Declaration Number”, and a message saying that you will need to see a Customs officer upon arrival to present the declared goods.  You will also probably get a “Transmission Receipt” with a bar code.

We suggest you print this receipt.

Now you are ready to travel to Brazil with your hang glider and clear customs.


Mobile Phone Operator

VIVO is the company in the area with the best signal coverage. You can either choose it on roaming if you choose to keep your own phone number “in the air”, or you can also buy a local VIVO pre-paid SIM card showing  your Passport ID on a VIVO Store.



 Pilots are reminded that this is a FAI Category 1, World Competition, where anti-doping rules will be strictly observed and enforced, either for “fair play” principles, as well as for competitor’s safety.

It’s worth mentioning that alcohol is on the list of forbidden substances, and it’s tolerated limit is 0.10g/l, which could be present on a blood sample after drinking aprox. 300 ml of beer, so pilots be careful on parties and celebrations.


Organizing NAC: CBVL - Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre 
Competition Organizer: Francisco Magalhães dos Santos (aka Chico Santos)
Public and Press Relations: Marcelo Araripe
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Event Organizer: Chico Santos
Meet Director: Cid Maestrini
Safety Director: Lucas Machado
Rescue Coordinator: Lucas Machado
Live Tracking Coordinator: Paulo Guilherme (Koka)
Weather Forecast: Lucas Machado
Scorer: Claudio Veloso
Doctor: On daily basis
Headquarters Coordinator: Marcelo Araripe
Take-Off Marshal: Carlos Gomes
Goal Marshal: Nani Baez
Public and Press Relations: Marcelo Araripe
Photography & Video: Sérgio Kawakami
FAI Steward: Mitch Shipley (USA)
FAI Assistant Steward: Igor Erzen (SVN)
FAI Jury President: Dennis Pagen (USA)
FAI Jury Members: Trudy Craddock (GBR), Fabio Loro (ITA)


- Brasilia 2017 HG Entry Form ( .pdf )

- Brasilia 2017 HG Entry Form ( .doc )



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